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"I felt it's time to apply my decade of experience to change the craft beer industry for the better" 

Chris Lewington, Founder

All about Brew Resourceful 

As told by the founder - Chris 

The mission of Brew Resourceful is simple. To make the Craft Brewing World more resourceful. 


I've spent over a decade in some of the UK's top craft breweries, I've been exposed to the industry's best and helped some of the future best on their journeys. Individually, the elements of resourcefulness have always been the focus of my brewing life but in the last few years I saw how all the elements can combine under this same header.


We should make being resourceful one of our top priorities, it helps reduce our industries carbon footprint, keep businesses financially healthy and stimulate our industries minds. 


This is exactly why I want to bring the topic of Resourcefulness to the forefront of our discussions. I want it to be talked at every conference, dinner, journal article, chat around the brewery & podcasts. 


Many breweries have already started their journey and that is amazing! But there is always more that can be achieved and the sooner more is achieved the greater the rewards are.


Furthermore, I want everyone who uses Brew Resourceful to know that not only are they helping themselves become more resourceful but helping the entire industry. This is why I'm going to make Brew Resourceful a Social Enterprise.


Want to know how Resourceful Your Brewery Currently is? Click here to receive a free benchmarking report!


Social Enterprise

There are a lot of types of Social Enterprises. The overruling philosophy is that

they are a business that looks to address a social/environmental issue,

creating profit as a standard business but reinvesting at least 50% of

those profits into helping solve a social or environmental issue.



Resourcefulness in the brewery will lower your Scope 1 and Scope 3 emissions within the business immediately. Reducing Scope 1 & 3 emissions will be the primary goal of Brew Resourceful's Social Enterprise funding. 


Therefore, profits will be distributed into helping the craft brewing industry become more resourceful. This will be achieved by funding into one or more of these pathways:


  • Grants for Craft Breweries for equipment relating to improving processes such as​

  • ​Flow Meters ​

  • Rotameters 

  • Titration Kits


  • Funding for research and development in topics relating to resourcefulness


  • Funding for product development relating to resourcefulness 





An annual report will be issued on how much and where the profits have been invested! All of which will be available through the years on this website.

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